Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Health benefits of Bananas

Banana mainly consists of Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose and fibers. These are very much essential for immediate source of energy to our body. Banana does not come from trees like other fruits, but come from large plants. This articles gives some details of how a Banana can be useful to keep our self healthy.

To have a healthy life, we should always take fruits and vegetables in our diet. Bananas are one of the perfect part of the diet to take care of our health. The bananas are to be treated with care. They should be stored at normal room temperature, you should never store a banana in fridge. It will change its color to black if you store it in fridge. 
Varieties of Bananas A Road side Banana Stall

The bananas contain sugars like glucose, fructose and sucrose and fibers which are very much essential to get instant energy to our body. The bananas are available through out the year. The banana is the most popular fruit in USA. Bananas do not contain fats or cholesterol. This will reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Let us see what are the healthy benefits of Bananas.

  • DepressionBanana is the best medicine if you are suffering from depression. Bananas contain tryptophan which is a type of protein which is converted by our body into serotonin which makes you to relax and improve your mood and makes you to feel happier.

  • AnaemiaBananas are high in iron, which stimulates production of haemoglobin in the blood which helps against anemia.

  • Blood PressureBanana has high content of potassium and low in salt, so it is very useful in controlling blood pressure.

  • Constipation: Bananas has high fiber content, so if you include banana in your diet can help you in overcoming constipation problem.

  • Bananas are good for heart and nervesBananas have high potassium content which is very much essential to keep the heart and nervous system in good healthy condition.

  • Kidneys and Bones: Bananas are very much helpful for healthy kidneys and bones. This is because bananas have high potassium content. A normal intake of potassium will reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.

  • Warts: Are you having warts on your skin? Then banana is very much helpful in removing the warts from your skin. Simply take a piece of banana skin and put it on the wart with the yellow side out.

  • Heart BurnBanana can act as a natural antacid. This gives a relief to a person who is suffering from heart burn.

  • Mosquito Bite: If you rub the inside of a banana skin on a mosquito bite area on your skin, it will reduce the irritation and swelling.

  • Ulcers: The banana is an ideal fruit if you are suffering from ulcers. This is because banana has soft texture which is easy digestible and banana can neutralize acidity.

  • PMS
  • Obesity and Weight loss problems: Bananas are helpful to reduce weight. A banana which has weight of 100 gms. has 90 calories. It has lot of fiber and can be easily digested. There is no fat in a banana. So if you are obese, then if you have bananas as part of your diet, you will not eat many calories and can reduce your weight. You will also not feel hungry.

  • And you know, a banana can also be used to increase weight. If you eat a banana along with milk it will help to increase your weight rapidly. Sportsmen also take bananas during breaks in games because a banana gives instant energy.
    Bananas are also helpful and good for arthritis, dysentery, diarrhea, TB, urinary disorders etc. So have a banana every day in your diet and keep yourself healthy.

    SOURCE: http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/

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