As with vitamins, the body also requires a range of minerals in order to function properly and maintain good health. Minerals come from the earth and are nutrients which work individually and in combination with other substances to create specific reactions in the body.
Where to Source Essential Minerals
Essential minerals needed by the body to perform a variety of functions may be sourced from salt and different foods, such as vegetables. In Nutrition in Essence, Bearden (2006) highlights where essential minerals may be sourced, to include the following:
sodium - common table salt, sea salt
potassium - dark green vegetables, milk, meat
calcium/magnesium - nuts, seeds, legumes, dark green vegetables, seafood, meat
zinc - oysters, red meat, nuts, seeds, fish, whole-grains, sea salt
iodine - sea vegetables, sea salt, seafood, dairy products
selenium - Brazil nuts, seafood
chromium - brewer's yeast, liver, nuts, whole-grains
iron - eggs, fish, liver, meat, leafy green vegetables
For those who find it a real struggle to eat a health balanced diet, it is well worth discussing mineral supplements with the family doctor. A referral to a nutritionist or dietitian may then be offered, if deemed appropriate. Sufferers of certain health conditions, such as the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, are also likely to benefit from taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement, particularly in the early stages of recovery.
Mineral Health Benefits - Why the Body Requires Minerals
Just as with vitamins, the body is in need of the minerals found in foods and salts in order to function properly, making it important to ensure one is maintaining a healthy, nutritious dietary intake. In The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements, Brewer (2010) identifies health benefits associated with minerals, as follows:
sodium - passes nerve/brain cell messages, helps heart muscles contract
potassium - flushes excess sodium from body, balances fluid levels
calcium - builds strong bones, healthy teeth, reduces osteoporosis risk
magnesium - maintains healthy tissues, strong bones/teeth
zinc - boosts immune system, improves fertility
iodine - vital for producing thyroid hormones
selenium - normal cell growth, immune function
chromium - improves glucose tolerance, slimming aid
iron - essential for healthy blood cells
While the above are just some of the various ways the body uses essential minerals, there are many more healing properties associated with such nutrients. This is why nutritionists have for many years been recommending the five a day of fruits and vegetables, in order to stand the best chance of obtaining both essential minerals and vitamins required for optimum health.
As highlighted above, minerals such as calcium, selenium, potassium and iron are essential for health and may be sourced from a diet which is rich in nuts and seeds, seafood, whole-grains and leafy green vegetables. Those not obtaining sufficient nutrients through their diet, such as those at risk of osteoporosis or suffering with anorexia nervosa, may benefit from taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement.
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