Thursday, August 8, 2013


Tianshi Zinc suppliment is another unique supplimantery food of this co.
People used zinc unguent even 5000 years ago. Zinc is essential for functioning of all cells of organism. The lack of it may be the reason of epilepsy, schizophrenia and other psychological diseases, general fatigue of the organism, allergy, diabetes, adenoma of prostate, cataract, deafness, heart, digestive system, dermal and optic diseases as well changes in the oral mucous membrane. Zinc as catalyser participates in activation of more that 200 ferments in the organism, synthesis of nucleic acid, DNA and RNA, circulation of hormones (especially sexual hormones) as well as directly influence collagens of tissue and skeleton and improves eyesight.

The lack of zinc was diagnosed for the first time in 1961. in Iran for young men of small height and big head who had reduced sexual potency and limited potential to have children. Zinc is essential element for organism and it is concentrated in prostate, ovum, ovaries ad most often in sperm, ocular retina, skin, hair, nails, kidneys, livers and other internals. There is 1,4-2,3g of zinc in the organism of a healthy man.

1.Micro mineral zinc is a life element involved in over 80 types of body enzyme synthesis.
2.It is an element for the growth as it plays a role in cell mitosis.
3. The human eye contains zinc most of which is present in retina & choroids
4. Helps in the formation of collagen & bone growth
5. Has an influence on our sense of taste ,which in turn affects our appetite.6.Inadequacy leads to Keratiniszation & blockage of taste buds.
7. Plays an important role in sugar metabolism. Helps the pancreas with itsdigestive function.
8. Boosts the immune system.
9. Promotes wound healing. Zinc is necessary for tissue repair and growth.

Reasons for zinc Deficiency1. Insufficient intake:- Infants who did not breast-feed ,and did not receivezinc supplement may have zinc deficiency.In addition ,high carbohydrate intakehinders zinc absorption.
2. Increase in daily requirement :- Growing children may have zinc deficiency.Higher metabolic rate requires additional zinc. The requirement of zinc alsoincreases in case of tumors and infectious diseases .People who suffer fromchronic kidney disease tend to expel zinc from the body.

3. Mal absorption :-Chronic digestive tract disease will turn the zinc intocomplex substances .While intestinal inflammation and diarrhea will cause a lotof zinc to be expelled through fluid.

4. Vegetarian diet:- vegetarians may not get adequate amounts of zinc becausegreat sources of zinc are found in non-vegetarians items such as meat ,fish,poultry etc..
Products contents

Tianshi zinc supplement contains zinc lactate ,glucose, and Egg protein powder Zinc lactate:- water soluble zinc salt is limited ,this includes zinc chlorideand zinc sulphate, both are not suitable to consume.

Zinc lactate is most suitable to use as food supplement because it is an organicsalt, has better absorption rate and stability in our stomach.

Egg Protein:- It has two functions ,helps in and acts as a filler.
Glucose:- It acts as a carrier for a better absorption.

Zinc deficiency sings & symptoms:
A. Loss of appetite
B. Immunological abnormalities
C. Poor wound healing
D.Developmental disorders in infants
E.Skin changes
F.Growth retardation

The natural source of zinc is oysters, shrimps, herrings, liver, mushrooms, grains, seeds of sunflower and watermelon.A human being has to get 10-20 mg of zinc per diem and pregnant woman has to get 30 mg of zinc per diem.

Bio-zinc supplements are being prescribed:1. for prophylaxis and treatment of infertility
2. for treatment of dermal diseases
3. for treatment of prostate diseases
4. for strengthening of immunity of organism
5. having flu and others airway diseases
6. for treatment of diabetes (helps to reduce the doze of insulin), neuro-psychic diseases, retarded sore and acceleration of wound healing
7. for prophylaxis of cataract, retarded alcoholism, atherosclerosis, myopia and treatment of renal deficiency, in cases of diarrhea of various origin, for attenuation of climacteric symptoms; for prophylaxis and treatment of articular diseases
8. while healing variations in oral mucous membrane, variations of taste sense and reducing weight
9. while strengthening immunity of organism and blocking the process of aging.

DosageContents:- 60 capsules per bottle
Recommended Dosage: 2 capsules/twice a day
4capsules/twice a day (To start)

Thank you for read this article.


The Leader
Young and Adult Sexual Reprouctive Health
Organic Farming

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