Friday, August 15, 2014

Heart in Hand Massage Therapy
Massage is an old art. It was known to our ancestors and was practiced after bathing and exercise to balance and center the body. They understood that health involves equal development of the mind and body. In the world we live in, we rarely take time to allow our bodies to recover from the rigors and pressures of every day routines. Endless meetings, deadlines and errands can lead to burnout and illness which will eventually make us ineffective in our work and home lives. Massage is one way to lessen and relieve these stresses that dull our minds and weaken our bodies. Massage is basically touch. Using the palms of the hands, the forearms, fingertips, elbows and knuckles, the therapist will stroke, push, pull, knead and tap away tension and muscular pain and stiffness from your body. We at Heart in Hand believe massage is the key to the best life, pain free. We weren’t given an owner’s manual when we were born, so we have to learn as we go. Massage is one step on the path. Enjoy the journey...

The Leader
Young and Adult Sexual Reprouctive Health
Organic Farming

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