Monday, March 9, 2015


Tiens Comb Massage Gadget

The device balances the Physical Biological Electricity in our body which is sometimes called electro magnetic chaos.
The comb like massage gadget mainly consist of a special alloy metal teeth, VIC electric circuits, metal handle loop and housing.
This device is used and has been verified , in hospitals all over Beijing, Shanghai, Guanzhou, Liaoning, Chengchun, Hebei, Japan, Russia, Turkey and Middle East that is very effective  to Hypertension and stressed patients after a 3-5 min treatment.
Patients must be treated 3 times, 3 min each time with 20 to 30 strokes combing per minute to achieve best results especially to alopecia and alopecia areata. Within 5 minutes, the device can relax local pain by changing and rebalancing the electro magnetic chaos in the body which gives us stress and pain.

when having head aches and dizzyness check for blood preasure then use the device and stoke 20-30 times for each min with a total of 5 minutes in the area where local pain is affected. After treatment take a 10 min rest and measure the blood preasure again to compare. Generally blood preasure can decrease by 10-30 mmHg and remains stable after use.

By using Tiens comb everyday on the head and combing movement to the head meridian will stimulate and activate the body meridians around accupuncture points that imporve the cells activity. Through this method it stimulates the cells around improving the yin and yang there by redcuing falling hair and improving the growth on the scalp that holds the hair. It nourishes the skin and enhance the body immunity by improving the blood flow or balances it to the normal state. By long clinical observation, it is found to decrease blood preasure and makes it stable, the device also had functions in contolling seborrheic baldness, alopecia areata, hair growth , hair protection and reinforcement of anamnesis.

The Tiens comb uses its VIC electric ciruits that changes the charges in our body caused by electro magnetic chaos causing the pain and stress in our body.
Imagine that our Ki and bloodflow is slow or stagnant that makes our body painful through blockages and wrong discharges caused by chaotic flows in the body.
The Tiens comb does the trick by changing the flow back to normal and rearranges the charges to balance the flow there by relaxing the affected part. Use of 3-5 min stroking the affected part  20-30 times a min can relieve headaches and stress and can also help reduce tension helping the patient relax to have a better sleep.

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Young and Adult Sexual Reprouctive Health
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