Friday, August 21, 2015


Rock salt is another name for the mineral halite which is commonly known as sodium chloride and has a chemical formula NaCl. It is commonly known as table salt or ‘sendha namak’ in India. It is mostly colorless or white though its color may vary from light blue, dark blue, purple to pink, red, orange, yellow or grey depending upon the amount and type of impurities present in it.
The nutritional value of the rock salt is so high that they have different effects on different parts of the human body. For your convenience we have broken the benefits of rock salt down into the categories of health, skin and hair!

As pointed out earlier, rock salt is the purest form of salt which is devoid of environmental pollutants and chemical components. It contains 84 out of the 92 trace elements required by the body including calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper and so on. Thus, it is available in drug stores and pharmacies in the form of powder, pill supplement or even as a liquid extract in health beverages. Some of its health benefits are as follows.

3. It stabilizes blood pressure by maintaining a balance of high and low blood pressures.
4. It aids in weight loss by equalizing minerals which inhibit cravings and eliminate fat dead cells.
5. Rock salt is used as a home remedy for curing many disorders and ailments such as rheumatic pain and herpes, inflammation and irritation from insect bites.
6. Consumption of rock salt along with lemon juice can help in eliminating stomach worms and controlling vomiting. It also provides relief against influenza.
7. It is beneficial for people suffering from respiratory problems and sinus. Gargling with rock salt helps relieves throat pain, throat swelling, dry cough and tonsils. Rock salt is dissolved in water to prepare brine which is used in facial steams for patients suffering from asthma, bronchitis or other nose and ear discomforts.
8. Having brine made with rock salt with a glass of spring water can provide relief in case of arthritis, rheumatism, kidney and bladder stones. Poultice made from this brine can be used to treat wounds, acne or pain due to gout or arthritis.
9. Rock salt can be used as a teeth whitener or mouth freshener. Gargling with rock salt provides relief against sore throat.
10. It can be used as a bath or body salt. You can mix a table spoon of rock salt in your bath water to have a relaxing bath. Bathing in rock salt water combats water retention, soothes sore muscles, regulates sleep, detoxifies your body and lowers your blood pressure. It also eases stress and body pains.
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