Wednesday, August 24, 2016

25 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Will Change Your Life

It seems like apple cider vinegar has been used since forever. Its strong antibacterial power has made it a common remedy for wounds, bruises, and it has found it is own application in prophylactic cleansing.
In this article we give you 25 magnificent uses of apple cider vinegar. It is time to do something great for your health without spending a small treasure or exposing yourself to synthetic drugs and harsh chemicals.
Household uses
Apple cider vinegar is a non-toxic substitute for your conventional cleaning products and week killers.
1. Non-toxic alternative
It is one of the best cleaning products you will ever have. Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is rich in bacteria that you cannot find in store-bought products. Combine equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water into a spray bottle, and that is your super mighty cleaning solution. Use it to remove dirt, bacteria and toxins. You should not worry about the vinegary smell, it disappears once the solution dries.
2. Weed killer
It is safe and efficient weed killer, and it is even more powerful than glyphosate. Who needs harsh chemicals? Combine a cup of vinegar, 1/4 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of dish soap. Spray the solution on any weed you need to remove, but keep it away from your lovely flowers.
3. Eliminate odors
Regardless of the origin of the odors in your home, apple cider vinegar will remove them efficiently. Set a dish of apple cider vinegar in the room you need to refresh, and watch the odors disappear almost instantly.
Health care
Apple cider vinegar has an array of health benefits, so you may want to use it in service of your health.
4. Reduce serum blood glucose
Apple cider vinegar decreases triglycerides, HDL and ADL, which is of great importance in the prevention of diabetes. A study has shown that apple cider vinegar has a huge impact on the lipid profile in lab rats. They received apple cider vinegar for a month, and the final results showed a dramatic increase in the HbA1C levels in rats with diabetes.
HbA1C is a test that shows the plasma glucose levels over a certain period, and it is used as a more reliable method for diagnosing diabetes than regular blood sugar tests. This study revealed a revolutionary discovery in the world of medicine. It brought to light the possibility that apple cider vinegar can provide a healthy decrease of blood glucose, and thus prevent diabetes.
5. Weight loss
Apple cider vinegar keeps you full for a long time. This is great for those who struggle with obesity. According to a recent study, acetic acid in apple cider vinegar prevents or at least stops the accumulation of fat. If you cannot bear its strong flavor, add some apple cider vinegar to your juice, greens, or just dilute it in a glass of water.
6. Decrease cholesterol
Apple cider vinegar has decreases cholesterol and triglycerides in lab rats, as shown in a study that was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. It is interesting how the rats were given high cholesterol foods during the treatment.
7. Detoxify your body
Detox regimens have become more popular than ever, and many people have witnessed their great effect in their struggle with excess weight. Apple cider vinegar is a mighty antioxidant, and it enhances the elimination of free radicals and toxins from the body. Have your apple cider vinegar in the morning to provide a nice kick-start for your detox program  READ MORE 
SOURCE:  25 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Will Change Your Life

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